Immigration has been a hot topic for citizens, politicians, and even individuals that who are immigrants. Some citizens are for harsher immigration laws while others feel that laws of the United States should allow and embrace immigrants into the country. Politicians are also torn about the issue of immigration. To help put an end to the immigration debate the Senate put together a comprehensive immigration bill for Congress to approve in June 2013.
The immigration bill made a couple of movements showing a little bit of promise that it would be passed but it soon decreased in momentum. Today the bill is at a standstill with no signs that it will pick up momentum any time soon. This is due to the talk of immigration almost being silenced. Protesters and supporters of immigration are no longer the main subject of the media. It could be assumed that Congress is putting the bill and the subject of immigration to the side possibly until the far future. The last meeting Congress had before the November Elections more than likely had an absence of talk about immigration.
Long Term Consequences Of Current Immigration Laws On The US
Many people view immigration as a way to help foreigners to gain a better quality of life but in actuality the benefits of immigration extend further. The United States has been able to benefit from immigration because of talented and innovative individuals that have citizenship in other countries. These individuals come to the United States and become entrepreneurs or engineers that help to aid in the economical and technical advancement of the U.S.
Other countries such as Canada, know the importance of outside talent and therefore they are taking actions to recruit the talented immigrants that have been rejected by the United States. According to CNN money reports, entrepreneurs abroad are flocking to the borders of other countries such as Canada that are welcoming immigrants into their country. These entrepreneurs are equipped with business ideas that are promising for the Canadian economy. The business created by these entrepreneurs can help to provide jobs and unlimited possibilities for Canada. CNN states that Canada “has been courting entrepreneurs and paving a way for citizenship through a start-up visa program that launched in April 2013” This start-up visa program allows talented and innovative immigrants the opportunity to call Canada home while building business or applying their technological skills to help Canada make further advancements in the technology field.
To give individuals a glance on the type of talent the U.S. is missing out on because of its immigration laws CNN Money features the stories of three entrepreneurs that took their talents and companies to Canada after citizenship issues arose while being in the United States. Though these three stories are unique, they tell the stories of thousands of entrepreneurs and technological individuals that wish to thrive in the United States but are unable to because they are immigrants.
Is It Too Late For The U.S?
It is not too late for the United States to usher in innovative foreigners to its borders. In order to help increase the economy and to become more technologically advanced, the United States need to create an immigration system that welcomes and encourages talented individuals to come to the ultimate land of opportunity. The United States still has a competitive edge over other countries because they are able to provide many opportunities to these individuals. The U.S. has a thriving high-tech industry and possesses many resources for entrepreneurs that could allow one’s company to advance.
Are You In Need Of An Immigration Attorney In Virgina, Maryland or Washington D.C.?
If you find yourself facing immigration issues you need to speak with an experienced immigration lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Vienna, Virgnia office directly at 703.991.7978 or our Rockville, Maryland office at 301.637.5392 to schedule your case consultation.