Drug charges in Maryland and Virginia are not uncommon. In recent years, Maryland has been noted as one of the top states in the nation in the number of marijuana-related arrests, according to information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Virginia law enforcement has been busy as well, making over 56,000 drug-related arrests in 2014.

With so much focus on drug offenses, it seems being charged with a drug-related crime can happen to anyone. Maybe it was a mistake or you just made one bad choice. Perhaps you’ve been arrested on drug charges before. Regardless, every person deserves a thorough and vigorous defense structured to meet his or her individual objectives.
At Tucker, Nong and Associates, we understand that a drug arrest can be scary and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. Our criminal defense attorneys work hard to help clients understand their rights, learn about their options, and prepare a unique, comprehensive defense. If you are visiting our website today because you or someone you love has been charged with a drug crime, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Call our call center to speak with a member of our team and schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today.
Types of Drug Cases Our DC-Area Firm Handles
Drug laws vary from state to state, and the legal code is always changing; recently, changes in marijuana law have been especially dramatic. The experienced lawyers at Tucker, Nong and Associates are well versed in local drug law and have helped many others just like you face their charges and minimize negative outcomes. Our team handles drug cases related to:
- Possession of controlled substances
- Marijuana possession
- Marijuana possession with intent to distribute
The laws regarding all these crimes are very complex. Many factors can contribute to a case, including the type and amount of the drug and the degree to which the accused had control. Interpreting possession and determining a resulting punishment can be complex, which is why it is important to hire skilled representation. A lawyer with experience in drug charges can effectively dispute these aspects and work to have charges reduced or, in some cases, even dropped.
What Is Intent to Distribute?
While it is possible to question one’s illegal possession of a drug—many states have relaxed the laws regarding marijuana, for example, and so possession of a small amount is permitted—possession with intent to distribute is a more serious crime. To be charged with intent to distribute, two factors must exist:
- The person must possess the drug.
- The person possessed the drug with the intention of selling or otherwise distributing.
While it may seem difficult to prove the second element, there are many situations that law enforcement and the courts acknowledge as proof of intent to sell, including:
- An observed drug deal
- Large quantities of a drug
- Drugs packaged as if for sale
- Messages from customers
- Scales and drug paraphernalia
- Large quantities of cash
The penalties for possession with intent vary from state to state, but it is a serious charge everywhere. If convicted, one could face hefty fines and jail time.
How Our Virginia and Maryland Drug Charge Defense Offices Can Help
Drug charges should not be taken lightly, especially in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. Law enforcement has been unrelenting lately, resulting in large numbers of arrests that can have a serious, long-lasting impact on those who are charged with a crime. The skilled lawyers at Tucker, Nong and Associates understand the local climate and have worked with others just like you in fighting charges. Our team will examine your case, investigate every avenue of defense, and prepare a thorough case. The laws regarding drugs are complex, and our team will question every search, arrest, witness, and allegation.
A drug arrest can negatively impact the rest of your life—causing time away from loved ones, financial losses, employment issues, and more. Our drug defense attorneys are committed to finding every client the best possible outcome so you can move forward with your life.
Have You Been Arrested With Drug Possession And Intent To Distribute In Virgina, Maryland or Washington D.C.?
If you'be been arrested for drug possession with intent to distribute you need to speak with an experienced drug defense attorney as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us online or call our Vienna, Virginia office directly at 703.991.7978 or our Rockville, Maryland office at 301.637.5392 to sechdule your free case consultation.