At the close of 2014, President Obama issued executive orders effectively rekindling immigration reform objectives. President Obama’s immigration initiatives covered two immigration programs. First, overall expansion of the existing immigration program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). And second, the creation of Deferred Action for Parental Accountability (DAPA). This article will cover how you can prepare for applying for either DACA or DAPA. It is strongly advised that you work with an immigration lawyer before applying.
Deferred Action Benefits to Expect
The DACA’s enhanced objectives extend temporary deportation delays to qualified immigrants. Qualified immigrants eligible for temporary stays of deportation must meet criteria. Specifically, immigrants are required to hold either U.S. citizenship status, or they must be the parents of permanent resident children. Additionally, upon approval of the temporary deferred deportation, immigrants are authorized to apply for work permits.
How Deferred Action Steps Up the Road to Reform
Despite the amended DACA and creation of DAPA, prospective applicants should keep two facts in mind. First, the original DACA was not a road to permanent U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status (also known as “green card”). Second, despite executive immigration reform inroads, at this time, the reforms remain temporary. Neither the revamped DACA nor DAPA are pathways to permanent citizenship or residency. However, because every road to success starts with steps, the reforms represent steps toward much-needed immigration reform.
Useful Documents to Prepare a Deferred Action Application
Applying for Deferred Action programs are steps individuals can take toward immigration goals. Detailed application process guidance about DAPA and DACA is forthcoming. In the meantime, the criteria for DACA can be used as a documentation template. Prospective applicants should start collecting key documents deemed helpful in the Deferred Action application process and providing them to a qualified immigration lawyer. Continue reading for a list of documents that you can provide to your lawyer in order to prepare:
Documents for proof of identity:
- Photo identification Birth Certificate
- Passport from your country of origin
Documents for Proof of presence:
- Passport stamped with admission date
- Records from U.S. schools that you have attended
- Records from medical facilities
Documents for proof of United States residency and continuous residence:
- Utility company or bank statements with your name and U.S. residence
- Any U.S. government document that states your U.S. entry date
- Proof of immigration status to show family relation to a
- citizen of the U.S., or ties to a permanent resident children:
- I-94/ I-94W Form
- Visa that’s expired
- Removal proceeding documents such as a charging document
Are You In Need Of An Immigration Attorney In Virgina, Maryland or Washington D.C.?
If you find yourself facing immigration issues you need to speak with an experienced immigration lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Vienna, Virgnia office directly at 703.991.7978 or our Rockville, Maryland office at 301.637.5392 to schedule your case consultation.