The Commonwealth of Virginia enforces strict traffic laws. Penalties for violations can include fines and deductions of points from your driver’s license. If you receive a speeding ticket or other traffic violation in Virginia, it is important that you understand the laws affecting your case.
Speeding Tickets in Virginia
Virginia has introduced a system of enforcing speed limits that relies heavily on fines. Speeding tickets or other traffic violations can carry significant fines and should be taken seriously.
In most cases, a driver who has received a speeding ticket ticket will be required to pay $5.00 for every mile per hour over the designated speed limit in addition to court fees. Speeding charges also carry a demerit in an individual’s driver points (see “Virginia Point System” below).
What To Do If You Are Issued a Traffic Ticket in Virginia
If a driver is stopped for speeding in the state of Virginia, a fine will be issued and it may vary depending on the offense. For speeding, the cost could depend on how fast the driver was going over the speed limit plus various other costs. The cost of the fine including all expenses are listed on the traffic ticket. A driver’s failure to pay will cost more money because surcharges are added on and if the court decides, they could very well issue an arrest warrant.
A driver needs to pay the fine and costs within 30 days of any court date. In other words, if the payment is not made, it is possible a driver’s license suspension could be issued for failure to pay. In some instances and for special agreements, deferred payments are sometimes scheduled. It is imperative these payment arrangements are kept because if the fine isn’t paid by the agreed upon date, the agreement could become null and void and an arrest warrant is issued.
How To Pay The Ticket
After determining if the driver is guilty of speeding, there are three ways to pay the fine and costs. These are by mail, phone or online in the state of Virginia.
What If You Don’t Agree With A Guilty Verdict?
If, for any reason, a driver does not agree to pay the ticket issued, then there is a choice to represent yourself in court or hire an attorney to do so. If the court decides the driver is guilty, a driver could have points added to their driving record which could cause an increase in insurance rates. It can also add up if there were other points already on a driver’s record. If a driver is found guilty, another option to reduce some of the points that will be added on to the driving record is to take an 8 hour driver improvement course.
What Exactly Happens When You Are Convicted of A Traffic Violation?
In Virginia state there is a program called the Driver Improvement Program. If a resident is convicted for traffic violations, they contact the DMV or Department of Motor Vehicles of Virginia. The DMV will post the conviction straight to a driver’s record and issue demerit points if such an offense calls for this. Sometimes a suspension of license is also issued, depending on the offense.
The DMV even keeps an eye on a driver’s record so they can monitor the amount of points within a twelve month period and again in a year. Let’s take a look at Virginia’s point system.
Virginia’s Point System
Any conviction added to a driver’s record results in issuing points. It could be 3 or 4 points, even sometimes 6 demerits depending on the moving violation at hand. After a driver accumulates 8 points within a twelve month period, an advisory letter is sent out to caution a driver. If you accumulate 12 points within a year period or 18 points in a two year period, the DMV will give a driver 90 days to go through the driver improvement course.
It doesn’t necessarily stop there. In addition to the driver improvement course, a violator will have their license suspended if they acquire 18 points in one year or 24 points in 2 years. This suspension will last for a period of 90 days. A driver needs to understand demerit points do come off in time, usually within 2 years after the citation date, but a conviction could last longer.
Commercial Violations
Any violation with a commercial vehicle can accumulate points. Suspension of a CDL can cause the driver to lose serious money and income because of having a license suspended and can be so dangerous with a large vehicle.
How we can help you
If you have received a speeding ticket or other traffic violation in the Commonwealth of Virginia, it is important that you consult with a traffic defense lawyer to ensure that your rights are protected. An experienced traffic defense attorney can make sure the court interprets your case correctly and does not issue you an unfair penalty.
Have You Been Charged With A Traffic Violation In Virginia, Maryland or Washington D.C.?
If you've been charged with a traffic violation you need to speak with an experienced traffic defense lawyer as soon as possible. Please contact us online or call our Vienna, Virgnia office directly at 703.991.7978 or our Rockville, Maryland office at 301.637.5392 to schedule your case consultation.